• Industrial Uniandes
      Visitor Information


Visitor Information 

Industrial Engineering Department has more than 60 years of history in which it has contributed to the transformation of society through the academic excellence of its more than 8000 graduates and its professors are leaders in their respective fields. Since its origin, the Department has differentiated itself from the traditional ways of teaching this discipline in most universities in Colombia and in the world. Its study programs have kept a mixture of mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities as the guiding axis of the career path of its students.

Industrial Engineering Department is constituted as one of the most important academic units for School of Engineering and for the Universidad de los Andes.


Contact Us

Interested in our programs? Do not hesitate to contact us


Degree in Industrial Engineering (PR-IIND)

[email protected]

Master in Industrial Engineering (MIIND)

[email protected]

Master in Data Analytics Intelligence (MIAD 100% Online - Coursera)

[email protected]

Master in Analytical Intelligence for Decision Making (MIIA)

[email protected]

Master in Petroleum Engineering (MPET)

[email protected]

Ph.D. in Engineering

[email protected]

Lean Six Sigma Certification

[email protected]


Visit Industrial Engineering Department

Main Campus Address

Cra 1 Este No 19A – 40

Mario Laserna Building, 7th floor

Bogotá D.C., Colombia